is one of the largest drop shippers on the net. Surprised to hear me say that! Don't be. Amazon will pay you a commission for each sale you referral to their website. These commission fees can add up to a lucrative additional revenue stream when used effectively. They stock tens of thousands of items and they have the largest book store on the net. Simply add a few display ads to your blog post and leave the rest to Amazon.
Great Blog.Many thanks for the recent view.
Greetings from italy!
I have never used Amazon dot com, although I know a lot of people that have.
I'm not much for online shopping. I don't know why, but I love going to the mall better ><
-Nurse Jen Doll
I just wanna say thanks to the add me on blogcatalog and also for sharing on it...
I tried Amazon before. The commission are very low. They recently (few months ago) changed their cookies in such that it will only stay on a browser for 24 hours. Sometimes I prefer to use Adsense that will pay me higher.
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