Friday, November 21, 2008


If you're a well-loved blogger, there's a good chance that your readers would like to show their support. Give them what they want and make money by taking advantage of merchandising opportunities.
1 - This perennial favorite makes it easy for you to put your blog's logo on shirts, bags, coasters and other items.
2 - Self-Published Books: If your readers like your content, they may want to have something they can own offline or even share with friends. Create a book with self-publishing services like Lulu, and you'll earn profits even without a huge book deal.
3 - Design and sell custom products with
4 - Hard-Copy Content: Create a CD-ROM "book" with cleanly organized content that can be accessed offline. You can take things a step further and sell subscriptions for future updates to the system.
5 - GoodStorm: Like and, GoodStorm is a nice way to create and sell your own merchandising products.

1 comment:

NEEK said...

Informative and well organized ! but i couldn't find proper plan for my own blog !


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